
Basic Tips for Fundraising During Covid-19

Dana Loberg
2 min readAug 13, 2020


Despite the pandemic, it’s still possible to raise funding for your startup.

I’d like to share some fundraising tips for aspiring entrepreneurs. Things have changed a lot since Covid-19. Here are my top 5 tips and tools you need for fundraising during Covid:

  1. If you don’t already have a Zoom account, I suggest you sign up and pay for the business version. If you’re super bootstrapped, the free version is capped at 40-min calls which is plenty of time for investor calls. And if you don’t already have Calendly, set it up as well to save yourself the headache of emailing back-and-forth to get meetings scheduled. This is the fastest and easiest way for investors and entrepreneurs to schedule Zoom meetings.
  2. If you’re taking meetings in a less than ideal place (like a bathroom, garage or car) and let’s be honest, who isn’t these days?, it helps to add a digital background to your meetings. You can learn how to do that here.
  3. Prior to Covid, I always advised against sharing your deck with investors unless you get an in-person meeting or coffee with them. However, times have changed. After your Zoom meeting, it’s helpful to share your deck with investors so they have time internally to access.
  4. Speaking of Zoom calls, investors will only be seeing your face and shoulders. So luckily you only have to worry about your face and top that you want to present to investors :) Take time to make sure your hair is not disheveled and that you’re comfortable in the clothing you choose no matter where you’re sitting and taking the meetings.
  5. Presenting standing up, is usually your best bet since you have more energy that comes across well in the camera. If you can find a way to pitch in your zoom call, standing, that will bring across the best energy for your investor meeting.

Happy fundraising! :)

Dana Loberg is CEO and co-founder of Leo AR, the first augmented reality communications platform that gives anyone the power to enrich the world around them with realistic 3D and 4D animated objects and photogrammetry. Follow her @luckyloberg.



Dana Loberg

2X Founder, Living in Austin TX, CEO @LeoAR, Yale & Stanford Start X alum